
Saturday, August 31, 2019

International Development: Theories of Modernization, Dependency, Globalization

Minhchau Truong ID 125 Prof. Kevin Maclean Midterm Exam Citation Black, Maggie. The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development. (London: New Internationalist Publications Ltd, 2007). Naim, Moises. Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy. (New York: Anchor Books, 2005). Reding, Nick. Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town. (New York: Bloomsbury, 2009). Thurow, Roger and Scott Kilman. Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty. New York: Perseus Books, 2009). 1. ) Modernization Theory was used to justify the process of decolonization and intervention by the United States, which had the ulterior motive of gaining access to new markets and thus boosting the national economy. The U. S. separated this theory from Cold War ideologies with the distinguishing feature that it emphasized GNP and technical measures. The theory is ethnocentric and is posited in the belief that there is a ceaseless struggle again st scarcity and that underdeveloped nations must overcome this natural state. The role and ability of the developed state was framed by the teleological doctrine that began with preconditions to â€Å"take-off†, which was recognition that economic progress was necessary to move from â€Å"tradition† to â€Å"modernity† to the final â€Å"take-off†, to the â€Å"drive to maturity† (which was expected to be completed in 1-2 generations), to the â€Å"age of high-mass consumption† (similar to the historical patterns of the U. S. ). The strengths of Modernization theory included its organized capitalism, integration into the world economy, and outlook of economic expansion. These changes were to be achieved through institutions and a shift from earlier colonial hierarchy and integration into the United Nations family (a de jure equality). However, the weaknesses overpower benefits. The theory naturalizes â€Å"underdevelopment† as something that can be changed easily, and discounts implicit historical, geographical, sociological circumstances or specific constraints. Furthermore, it disregards underdeveloped countries by trivializing conditions by labeling it as the â€Å"global norm†. Economics is foremost on the agenda, rather than politics, because capital accumulation for developed states- not actual welfare of the concerned state- is the main objective. The theory displaces the more correct principle of the right to self-definition. The linear growth implied by the theory can only be achieved by mass consumption, competition, individualism. Essentially, modernization theory is an ahistorical narrative imposed by ethnocentric developed states that could not possibly relate to their underdeveloped states. Dependency Theory sees the historical relations of inequality, the unequal relationships developed between industrialized countries versus underdeveloped. Theoretically, the problem is explained as: economic growth in advanced industrialized countries did not lead to a growth in poorer countries. Dependency theory acknowledges that modernization theory directly contradicted neo-classical economic theory- the Pareto optimal, that economic growth was beneficial to all even if benefits not equally shared, this was not evident in the relationship between industrialized nations and unindustrialized nations. The strengths of dependency theory included that is accounted for real history as opposed to modernization theory, which was a philosophy of history. It saw states as a global structure, and saw inequalities as a problem rather than a way to promote competition and equalizations. There were realistic expectations, unacknowledged that imposition of â€Å"development† was actually an act of exclusion. What was preferred was a more natural, predestined process of inclusion. Economically, dependency accurately determined the outcomes of modernization: poor countries exported primary commodities to rich countries, which the rich countries used to then manufacture products out of them, therefore adding value to the overall product during the manufacture, which they then export back to poorer countries. In the end, these poorer countries would never earn enough from exports to pay for their imports due to the added value. However, the weaknesses are substantial, and expose the logical fallacies dependency theory is built upon. It is more of a critique than an independent theory for improvement, there is some insight but not much. With dependency theory, there is little to no success from its initial conclusions. Its avocation for protectionism and trade tariffs was not enough for developing countries to emerge economically. The suggestion of Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) was also not enough because the economic theory required implementation of incubation of domestic infant industries that many times were difficult to start-up without the help local governments. Various avenues, tariffs, import quotas and subsidized government loans were many times not possible due to absence of political will or ability. The development of production channels were often times distorted or disrupted due to external forces or inability of states to handle. Here, an imperialist mindset is once again imposed onto undeveloped nations, Transnational corporations (TNCs) stationed in undeveloped nations impose standards and expectations, which are most pronounced in their monopolistic practices and assertion of political and economic agenda onto the concerned country. In addition, many times, when a country did specialize in their production of goods, their own internal markets were not large enough to support the economies of scale. People either didn’t have enough money or had a preference for outside foreign goods. Essentially, relations cannot simply be fixed, there is a much more dynamic complexity. Peripheral states cannot possibly â€Å"just catch up†, they did not ask to be placed in their respective positions within the world economy, they were forced by dominate states (developed countries like the U. S. – they were labeled as â€Å"under-developed† when their â€Å"inequalities† were identified by us, pitted against our own standards- unfairly so. Advanced industrial economies can’t serve as models for developing ones, their success was contingent upon highly exploitive colonial relationships (with the very underdeveloped countries they are trying to aid now, which is ironic) these relationships cannot be created. Implications of dependency include: Alternative use of resources preferable to current patterns of use- they don’t want our methodologies. The practice of diverted resources are maintained by dominant states and power elites within dependant states, this fixes nothing, rather, it further complicates relations between concerned â€Å"underdeveloped† country and those who are in control of them. There are overlapping interests, value and culture assumptions, assumption that this dependency is voluntary, elites believe key to economic development is to follow liberal economic doctrine, this is essentially hegemony. Economic growth does not equal economic development, more attention needs to be paid o social indicators- life expectancy, literacy, infant mortality, education, emergence of human index. Greater integration is not the answer, equality cannot be achieved World System Theory was first was labeled as â€Å"Modern World system. † An integration through market rather than political center, the state was an economic tool for capital accumulation by certain classes. The world was comprised of mini-system s, which made up world empires, which made up a capitalist world economy. This world-wide perspective with historical depth of centuries was necessary to understanding the present. Single tripartite division of labor notion induced that countries do not have economies but are part of a world economy. The core zones benefited from monopolies, while the semi-peripheries were dominated by the core zones, and the peripheries themselves were developing countries dominated by both core and semi-periphery countries. Labor-intensive production took place in periphery states as a means to former states’ economic deliverance. Periphery states’ subordinate status is due to a number of factors including, technological conditions and the difference in strength of states on the global market scale, thus the differential flow of surplus to core results in unequal exchange. However, the strengths of the theory lies in the assumption that capital accumulation on a global scale will in turn, benefit developing countries. The weakness of the theory is how it is debilitating regarding focus towards strong and weak states. The theory concentrates on the historical evidence of failure rather than success, and discounts the class structure and economic growth, among other important elements, within states. The zero-sum economic narrative is limited, grounded in ahistorical euro-centrism. The theory polarizes periphery states by keeping them down, with the ideology of ruling groups presiding over them. Conclusively, the theory is a capitalist structure that operates on the endless accumulation of capital rather than the well-being of particular periphery states. The contemporary forms of â€Å"globalization† make these three theories of state-led development irrelevant and require us to rethink some of the assumptions upon which they were based for many reasons. Firstly, the increased but selective flow of financial capita between major metropoles exemplified in Illicit Trade shows the unrecognized potential of â€Å"dependant† states, how they are actually able to thrive despite conditions (of scarcity, etc. ). In Illicit Trade, the examples of countries thriving on the wholesale of contraband commodities, or transshipment havens (Suriname, Nauru) shows how the differentiated labor markets within and across national borders have essentially been empowered, there is no definitive route to economic growth, illicit trade just so happens to be this new growth- for the good or the bad. The increased, but uneven integration of consumer markets worldwide proves the irrelevancy of modernization and dependency theory, as there was no prerequisite in this integration that was previously said necessary in the former theories. The Governments were a emphasized factor in the theories for growth and development, however, in this context of globalization and illicit trade, the private facilitation of capitalist penetration from countryside to countryside has actually been the impetus. The new, emerging aspects of illicit trade is that it’s not just a crime, or an underground phenomenon, but it could fashion economic possibilities. There is now an intrinsic connection to political structures, emerging Governments. High-profile trafficking organizations now have a heavy influence and control over governments. The dependency on illicit trade has pervaded into the basic exchange of commodities, thus the interaction of people, thus it is now well stitched into the fabric of existence, it has constituted cultures. The entire disarraying manifestations of illicit trade has now coalesced, it is now a part of history, it has become facet of life. 2. ) The manufacture, distribution, and sale of methamphetamine rose largely out of the recent developments of Globalization and free trade, long term trends in agricultural and pharmaceutical companies, and the action of government lobbyists. These basic components make up for what Reding describes in Methland, as the meth epidemic of today. Reding’s best illustration is his microcosmic case example of Lori Kaye Arnold, starting from the origins of her entrepreneurial endeavors to her quick succession of wealth and monopoly control over meth. Lori’s decision to drop out of high school and house herself through her meth delivery service exemplifies the opportunities of income that are available to small rural communities subjugated to lack of employment. Due to this facet, production of meth transferred to underground population sites of small town meth addicts (like Lori) and outlaw chemists. Rural economies of small towns like Oelwein were gradually taken over by profiteering industries. The turning over of Iowa Ham to Gillette to Iowa Beef Products (IBP) to Tyson, resulted in a shrinkage of worker demand and stationary wages. In January 2006, Tyson officially closed the plant , â€Å"the initial workforce had been reduced from nearly two thousand people to ninety-nine, a remarkable, devastating loss of revenue in a town of only six thousand† (Reding 2009, 53). Ottumwa, a town in southeast Iowa endured the same hardship that crept into Oelwein. The town was eventually also starved of tax revenue and disposable income from the shut-down of the town’s railroad, air force base, and the sale of its meat-processing plant to Cargill. And like Oelwein, â€Å"Methamphetamine moved into the new economic gap,† and helped to sustain not just the market in Oelwein, â€Å"but also in towns all over Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, and the Dakotas† (Reding 2009, 60). It was Lori’s success in Ottumwa that made her decide to expand her horizons in meth distribution. Lori went straight to her middleman in Des Moines, and continued in her ambitions to her supplier in Long Beach, California. Meanwhile, Lori’s own enterprise fueled the franchises of people like Jeffrey William Hayes and Steve Jelinek, such is the lucrative nature of the meth business. Lori’s eventual partnership with the Mexican Mafia, the Ameczua brothers ushers in powerful forces that make up a web of interdependence, all revealing the scale of hold meth has on not just small towners like Lori, but also our local and global economy. The U. S. mmigration policy could not prevent the influx of Mexican immigrants that came, who were now seen as excellent transportation devices for large quantities of the meth throughout California and the west. Midwestern residents who just lost their jobs were now headed for booming labor-markets in Los Angeles and San Diego, becoming ideal social and business connections for drug cartels like the Amezcua brothers. These factors enable d drug cartels to expand their business prospects, but also provided a source of income for those involved, a major motivator. Additionally there was the appeal of the drug itself. Meth was powerful; a vocational drug rather than a recreational one, it was perfect for labor-intensive occupations, thus effectively converting mere middlemen or workers into consumers. The cost-effective narcotic had been around since industrialization, and its cheap convenience was made all the more apparent when rural economies collapsed and people felt like they needed the drug in order to survive. For all these reasons, meth was a sustainable business in its inception that allowed it to go unnoticed. The precursor to meth production (ephedrine, and soon, pseudoephedrine) was made readily available by pharmaceutical companies and engineers in legal, enormous, and unmonitored supplies. The high-demand for these precursors provided a huge incentive for pharmaceutical companies to prevent purchasing restrictions that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was trying to enforce. When the DEA discovered bulk shipments of ephedrine being redirected to the Amezcua brothers, there was also a realization of a â€Å"narrow processing window† of ephedrine that was perfect for the meth trade. Cooperation from the nine processing factories in India, China, Germany, Czech Republic and pharmaceutical companies was the only thing needed. Despite DEA efforts, pharmaceutical industry lobbyists blocked every single anti-meth bill with help of key senators and members of congress. The relentless battle of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine prohibition was most often times won by powerful companies and corporations, thus the manufacture, distribution, and sale of meth proceeded. Through the lens of Dependency theory, rural economies like the town of Oelwein would be encouraged to discontinue the market of meth because it has become a dependant source of revenue that creates unequal relationships between powerful entities (such as drug cartels, pharmaceutical companies, agricultural based corporations) and small town communities, poor job-seeking immigrants and aspiring meth cooks. The manufacturing of meth is not sustainable and does not result in equal or greater proportions of benefit for those dependant on the business, rather, it enslaves them. Thus, dependency theory is good in its avocation of meth abolishment, but it does not provide other revenue generating substitutes or a way into economic stability. Dependency theory stresses independence while keeping up with developed nations, but in the case of Oelwein, their economy was crippled by external forces and now has to be rebuilt, and thus, their regeneration would require an initial dependence on outside sources. 3. ) In 1940, Vice-President elect Henry Wallace, who formerly served as Franklin D. Roosevelt’s activist agriculture secretary desired to visit Latin America before starting his official duties. He was dispatched to Mexico as a representative, where he applied his unique perspective to the Mexico’s destitute situation. Most Mexicans depended on farming. The Mexican revolution ousted a dictatorship and then seized land from a wealthy few and redistributed it among the poor. The new government had distributed out land to 1. 7 million landless peasants so that they could grow their own food, however this land form was not enough. Mexico did not have the necessary support systems for agricultural scientists, the rural population was illiterate, soils were depleted of nutrients and heavily eroded, basic tools were lacking; tractors were rare- this in turn limited production growth. In addition, diseases often times wiped out the wheat crop, forcing Mexico to import half of its needs. Wallace’s evaluative approach was to raise crop yields combined with Mexican farmer’s disciplined work ethic. Wallace connected to the resources at the Rockefeller foundation asking to the President Raymond B. Fosdick to conduct a study on how to increase Mexican harvests, Fosdick himself dispatched a trio of experts to scour the countryside. Soon enough, Harvard plant breeder Paul Mangelsdorf, Cornell agronomist Richard Bradfield, and University of Minnesota plant pathologist E. C. Stakman commenced on their research, convincing the foundation to set up a joint research program with the Mexican government in 1943, called the Office of Special Studies. The program’s mission was to train Mexican scientist on how to breed higher-yielding varieties of corn, wheat, and beans. Initial successes of the program included the newfound knowledge of â€Å"how to plant a few verities of inbred seed- the precursor to hybrid seed- allowing them to cross-pollinate naturally† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 8). Stakman was interested in Mexico’s second-biggest crop, wheat. Wheat was a crop often subjugated to the fugal epidemics that turned fields into tangles of dead plants, leading to the discontinued production of wheat by Mexican farmers which were an unfortunate lost opportunity for protein. Stakman called upon two proteges from the University of Minnesota to aid him in his mission to end this plight, one would be the founder of the Green Revolution- Norman Borlaug. Borlaug, impatient by the time sucking process of cross-pollinating different varieties of wheat in rust-infested areas to find a natural immunity among them, decided on an unconventional method of breeding that including â€Å"shuttling newly harvested seed between the Yaqui Valley and his experimental plots near Mexico City† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, ). In four years, Borlaug generated his first rust-resistant plants, setting in motion a series of events that would lead to the Green Revolution. The main achievements of the Food Revolution were the high-yielding wheat crops that occurred with every Mexican farmer, leading to the successive spread of the seed throughout Mexico, and therefore the end of Mexico’s wheat shortage by the mid 1950s. And unlike hybrid corn, farmers could â€Å"save seeds from the best of their wheat harvest and plant them the next year to get the same results† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 11). Borlaug’s wheat permeated to Asia, in India and Pakistan, which spurred Governments, private philanthropies and humanitarian organizations to fund and implement the construction of fertilizer factories, irrigation networks, infrastructure, and an introduction to new modern farming techniques. Similar effects took place in Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Iraq, China and elsewhere throughout Asia. Additionally, the Green Revolution encouraged foundations and organizations from around the world to establish research centers, projects, and laboratories specializing in number of agricultural-based crops (agroforestry to fish). The shortcomings were evident in its early beginning; the yields were plentiful but sucked so much out of the soil that water and synthetic fertilizer replenishment was necessary. And because farmers could afford fertilizer, this boosted their harvests even further, reinforcing dependency on foreign supplied fertilizers, and therefore diverting funds from the local economy to an outside economy. Increase fertilizer use also introduced pesticides and nitrates that were poisoning to millions and millions of acres of land and some drinking water. This chemical pollution led to a general distrust of the Green Revolution by environmental groups and negative press. Geopolitical considerations would overpower altruistic intentions of the Green Revolution. The idea â€Å"to create an international agency that would control vast grain reserves for the purpose of responding to emergencies and feeding hungry children† was shot down because it would â€Å"reduce opportunities for the world’s agricultural powers to use their homegrown food aid as a tool for furthering their own diplomatic aims† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 23). Ironically, the food revolution had empowered nations enough to the extent of elevating countries’ abilities for political and economic agendas. Another disappointment of the Green Revolution was the failed momentum. Public consciousness no longer had a strong grip; the â€Å"Malthusian Optimism† had befallen upon developed countries. The new crop surpluses and thus, low grain prices â€Å"created a false sense of accomplishment and security in the rich world† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 24). Financial institutions, religious affiliated and nonreligious charity organizations slowly turned away, and aid agencies shifted attention to other social programs. Trends and use of agricultural subsidies have affected food security in developed and developing states more generally. The Green Revolution indirectly started overwhelming Government subsidies for exports, thereby instigating competition between developing countries. Between 1975 and 1985, the Green Revolution helped old U. S. customers such as Mexico and India to become less dependent on the west for grain. In order to keep domestic prices from depressing U. S. government subsidized exports of surplus wheat overseas. The European Community followed along the same strategy, subsidizing exports of wheat, beef, butter, milk and so on- all in efforts to protect farmers. Big multinational commodities firms took advantage of the subsidies race, playing the U. S. and Europe against each other for the cheapest grain, resulting in a distorted world market. The two arising developments, rich-world subsidies and cheaper commodities harshly impacted farmers in the developing countries who were not aided by their impoverished governments and therefore could not compete with similar levels of subsidies. Sasakawa Africa (Norman Borlaug and his team) and the Ethiopian government pushed for heavy production of crops resulting in surplus harvest through the late 1990s, and then a bumper year of 2001-2001, â€Å"when fields burst with about 13 million tons of grains and cereals† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 72). But this positive outcome was not cultivated or optimized due to a number of factors unpredicted by Government and foreign aid shortsightedness. The government policy of structural adjustment failed the agricultural market in Ethiopia and Africa. Under this new policy, government ended responsibility for market functions (such as buying, transporting, storing, marketing of crops, fertilizer) and left them to a private sector, in expectation that the sectors would pick up these tasks. But rarely did these sectors have the capital and infrastructure to complete such tasks. Roads to ports were appalling, let alone the practically nonexistent ties to foreign buyers- exporting options were dismal. The country’s transportation network still relied on unproductive methods (donkeys), and local markets were undercapitalized to buy and store harvest. This, along with the absence of storage facilities that forced crops to come into the market at the same time caused a nationwide glut of corn and wheat, triggering a free fall in grain prices. Ethiopian farmers suffered as what was reaped was far below what it had cost to sow. Another main effort to mitigate food famines in Ethiopia was a considerable amount of American food aid, but this was also not enough. After the 1894 famine, â€Å"Ethiopia routinely had been the largest annual recipient of emergency food aid†¦. U. S. ood aid was running at more than $250 million a year leading up to 2003† (Thurow and Kilman 2009, 88). The negative reaction to this, however, was the contraction of longer-term aid and projects to develop agriculture. In 2003, U. S. aid was $500 million and $5 million in development projects. It was illogical, food aid partly helped in aiding against the hunger, but never entirely, rather it seemed to be perpetuating it. Ethiopia became a global welf are state, its farmers and people at first feeling shameful and resentful to having willful acceptance that border on righteousness to aid.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Molar Mass of a Solid Essay

Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the molar mass of an unknown solid. The freezing point of a solvent (Cyclohexane) was determined, and compare to the freezing point of Cyclohexane with the addition of two different concentration of unknown solid. The pure substance of Cyclohexane has defined physical properties. However, when a solute is added these properties are determined by the amount of solute added, also known as colligative properties. The temperature of the freezing point was lowered when the solid was added and it decreased as the concentration of the solid increased. The molality of the solute was determined, which was then used to calculate the molar mass of the solid for both trials. An average of the molar mass of the unknown solid was calculated to be 286.87+1.796g/mol with a %RSD of 0.626%. The purpose of the experiment was to obtain the molar mass of an unknown solid. The molar mass is determined by dissolving the unknown compound into a pure liquid with defined physical properties, in this case Cyclohexane. When dissolving a solute, it forms a homogeneous solution, in which the solvent of the solution physical properties are not longer defined, but depends on the amount of solute added. Whenever a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the vapor pressure decreases. When the vapor pressure decreases, it also lowers the boiling and freezing point of the solvent and increases the osmotic pressure. These four properties are known as the colligative properties, the magnitude of the changes depends on the amount of solute dissolve; the changes are directly proportional to each other. The higher the solute concentration, the higher the changes of vapor pressure, therefore, a lower freezing point. It is hypothesized that the freezing point temperature will decreased, if there is a higher concentration of the solid added to the soution. Vapor pressure is th e  pressure exerted by a vapor when the vapor is in a state of dynamic equilibrium with its liquid. When a nonvolatile solute is dissolves in the solvent, solute molecules occupy a part of the surface area. This allows molecules into the vapor state, lowing the vapor pressure of the solvent. When the vapor pressure lowers, the boiling point elevates, due to the presence of the solute. Solute added to the solvent affects the freezing point, the energy of the solvent lowers to increase the magnitude of the intermolecular forces for the molecules to get together to form a solid. The colligative properties are useful for determining molar masses of unknown nonvolatile solute. At low concentrations of a nonvolatile solute, the freezing–point of depression of a solvent can be determine by Tf = Kf (solvent) -Tf (solution) = Kf m. Changes in freezing point Tf are directly proportional to the molality, m, of the solute in solution (molality, m = mol solute/ kg solvent). The freezing-point constant, Kf for Cyclohexane is 20ËšC †¢ k/mol, which is used to obtain the amount of moles of solute in the solution, which is inversely proportional to the change of freezing point Tf. The molal mass obtained is essential to obtain the molar mass of the unknown solid (solute). The molal mass shows the unknown amount of moles of solute are need it per kilogram of solvent. Acquiring the number of moles of solute and analyzing it with the grams of solute measured in the laboratory obtaining the molar mass of the unknown solute.i The cooling behavior of a solution different from a pure liquid solution when a solute it’s added. Te temperature at which the solution begins to freeze is lower than the pure solvent. The freezing point also lowers when there is a higher concentration of solute added to the solution. The molar mass of unknown solid can be determined by any of the colligative properties, the freezing point is not an exception and by knowing the mass of solute and temperature of the freezing point, the molar mass can be obtained. Discussion: The freezing point depression is a colligative property of solutions, which is based only on the amount of solute added and not the defined chemical and physical properties of the substance. The freezing point of Cyclohexane observed was 4.97ËšC, from the cooling curve (Figure 1). Freezing point values of Trial 1 and Trial 2 were collected, to compared to the freezing point of Cyclohexane and determine he depression of the solute. The unknown solid yielded a freezing depression of 3.64ËšC for trial 1, and 2.84ËšC for trial 2 (Figure 2 & 3). These values were compared to the original mass of unknown solute added to the Cyclohexane and the approximate molar mass of  the unknown solid. The molar mass that was calculated for trial 1 was 288.14-g/mol, while trial 2 was 285.60-g/mol (Table 3). The average of the molar mass was calculated, and the molar mass of the unknown solid observed was approximately 286.87-g/mol. When calculating the standard deviation was obtain only +1.796g/mol when comparing both trials to the mean. The values are apparently close up together, making them highly precise, however, is unknown if the values are accurate, the unknown solid actual molar mass still unknown. The relative standard deviation percent, obtained was 0.626% (Table 3); this measurement expresses precision of the data, the smaller RSD the greater the precision for the average value of the data. The %RSD, is extremely low, making it the results a tremendously precise data of the mean. However, there was a possible error that could have affected the results. The error occurred during recording the cooling temperature of trial 1, the ice melted and the test tube was removed to add more ice into the beaker. Also, while recording the temperature of the Cyclohexane upon addition of unknown solid, the sample was not stir and therefore the value could have probably been invalid. Constant stirring of solution would have assured an even mix of the solute particles and a more accurate freezing point. These small errors could have affected both trials creating a higher observed molar mass value for both trials. Conclusion: The experiment allowed for the determination of freezing point of Cyclohexane based on a logger pro software with calibrated thermometers to be approximately 4.97ËšC (Table 1). Freezing point depression was observed when two trials of different concentration of the unknown solid were added to the Cyclohexane. As the concentration of the unknown solid increased, the freezing point of the solution was also lowered (Table 2). As seen on Figure 4, when placing all three graphs it is visible, when solute is added a lower freezing point is observed. Using experimental measurements, the molar mass of the unknown solid was calculated to be 286.87+1.796g/mol. Based on the relative standard deviation percent (%RSD) of 0.626%, shows a highly precise measurements of unknown solid molar mass when compared to the mean values.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Starbucks Crisis Communication Plan Research Paper

Starbucks Crisis Communication Plan - Research Paper Example   The company's guiding philosophy will be to convey details as fast as probable and updating specifics regularly as conditions change. This is to make certain about the security of the Starbuck's society and the continuous operation of indispensable services and provisions. The company's efforts to be concurrently precise and quick may imply that several communications are imperfect. Starbuck's acknowledges this, understanding that how they communicate in an urgent situation or crisis will influence the public perceptions of the organization (Timothy, 2012). Openness and swiftness are the most effectual means to keep away from lasting harm to the establishment and extensive second-guessing by the community that anticipates instant access to precise information. A superior offense is the best protection. At the same instance, the company realizes that in a disaster, people will possibly anticipate Starbucks to have more details than they may essentially know. That makes it essentia l to communicating with precision concerning what they know and not to guess regarding details they do not recognize. The organization will employ numerous platforms to get to as many individuals as possible with precise, well-timed information. This is particularly significant in the initial hours and days of an urgent situation or an emergency. The company's objective is to be open, answerable and available to all audiences while as well being watchful of lawful and confidentiality concerns.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business Systems Development and Implementation Essay

Business Systems Development and Implementation - Essay Example Many of the projects became a failure due to lack of proper skills in order to undertake these projects successfully. On the other hand the companies which initiated and successfully implemented these projects enjoyed the hyper growth. In order to make these projects different tools and techniques were introduced by the management gurus in order to increase the success rate of these projects. The implementation cost of the new information system often have some hidden costs which cannot be calculated at the beginning of a project (Anderson and Dawes, 1991). Often workers are required to be trained to effectively use the technology being implemented but this training reduce the working hours. Currid (1995) states the same fact as: When a new system is introduced, it rocks day-to-day activity so much that some people don't adjust quickly. They stay less productive than they were without the new computer. And, if this situation goes unchecked, they may never recover. In Standish Group's CHAOS Report, the group analysed 8380 Information projects that were underway in 365 companies and reported failure and success rates. The report used some indicators and divided the companies into following three categories which are as follows: Resolution Type 2 is "Project Challenged." These were completed, but were over cost, over time, and/or lacking all of the features and functions that were originally specified. 52.7% of all studied projects fell into this Resolution Type 2 (Challenged) category. Resolution Type 3 is termed "Project Impaired/Failed." These projects were abandoned or cancelled at some point and thus became total losses. A disturbing 31.1% of all studied p

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Ethics and social responsibility Essay

Business Ethics and social responsibility - Essay Example Since these are costly ethical activities that seem irrelevant to the business goal of maximizing owner value, many businesses choose to bluff and engage in some amount of deception and mask these little sins by justifying them with ethical theories that say such acts are ethical under the circumstances. This report examines these theories and perspectives on business ethics to determine if businesses can be forgiven for unethical behavior and, if so, at what point should one draw the demarcation line. Business ethics has been the focus of passionate debates since the time of Plato and Socrates. The possible reason for the diverging views is that people always have different concepts and perceptions of what is good or bad, and what is right and wrong. Aronson (2001) believes the study of business ethics can help provide the standards for determining what behavior is good and bad or what is right and wrong. The literature on business ethics suggests ways to discuss the many different perspectives or theories by grouping them according to their similarities. The most frequently used perspectives fall under two groups of theory called deontology and teleology. Deontology is also described as formalism while teleology is utilitarianism, which means that the former is non-consequentialist while the latter is consequentialist (Christensen, 2005). In ethics, formalism is defined as a concept that views an act as right or wrong irrespective of the consequences, while utilitarianism holds that right conduct is determined by its usefulness in promoting the most good for the largest number of persons and thus keeps an eye on the consequences of the act. From these definitions, one can start forming an idea of which of deontology and teleology is the better ethical approach to business. 2.a. Teleology & Deontology Teleology and deontology essentially uphold the same behavior that businesses should observe, which is business ethics. They differ only in their perspectives, means and desired results. Teleological theories focus on the "what" whereas the deontological view looks at the "how" of ethical behavior (Christensen, 2005). This means that in teleology, the outcome is more important than the intent, which is the reverse in deontology. Accordingly, teleology and deontology are traditionally seen as opposing viewpoints, with the former looking into the future to determine the best outcomes for everyone while the latter looking back in history to establish ethical guideposts from traditional culture and religion (Brady, 1985). Teleology is defined as the theory in which the only right-making properties are those that promote the good (Gaus, 2001). As for deontology, it is the perspective of doing what is morally right, regardless of the amount of good or evil that results from the act (Christ ensen,2005). Thus, teleology promotes what is good, while deontology promotes what is right (Gaus, 2001). For teleology, the more important thing is the outcome and less the behavior. It is the other way around for deontology. 2.b. Deontology at Work Deontology is derived from the Greek words deon (duty) and logos

Monday, August 26, 2019

Integrated Project Management Tools Research Paper

Integrated Project Management Tools - Research Paper Example At the project’s starting stage, the project is explicitly and clearly defined. The scope of the project and its purpose are defined, and a benchmark for the expected final product is set. The time and resources required for completion of the project are allotted. Resolving problems encountered during the project and controlling the product quality are the main activities of a project’s control stage (Bainey, 2004). This stage oversees the completion of most of the work, and it is during this stage that most of the project’s time is consumed. The project’s closure level involves officially ending the project and providing any useful tips applicable to other projects. Any outstanding work that requires completion is done in this stage. The Project Manager is responsible for managing the basic factors of a project simultaneously; these include time, scope, resources, and money (Schwalbe, 2010). These four elements work hand in hand, and for the project to be a success, these elements must be managed together. In a bed and breakfast project, the resources include equipment, funding, people, facilities, or materials. Management Tools Work Authorization System This is a method used in hand with project management. The project manager together with his designees uses the work authorization system to sanction all project work during a project management. Work authorization procedures show the person responsible for authorizing activities to be completed and how those authorizations may be achieved (Schwalbe, 2010). These procedures include documents that must be filled before initializing any work, and the possibilities of any prerequisites. In order to facilitate the efficiency of project management in bigger projects, work authorization systems detail the timeline of the project. For example, the work authorization system might show when some parts of the project should end, by whom and in which order (Bainey, 2004). For a bed and breakfa st project to be successful, work authorization is an effective tool. Project Status Report It is a regular, official report on a project progress against the plan of the project. Its purpose is to efficiently and effectively communicate the project status at regular intervals. In addition, it can be utilized in providing a documented history of a project. Objectives of a status report include communication of the project progress, simplifying the mode of collecting and distributing project information, improving passing of information within the project, and improving organizational support of the project. A good, consistent project status report prevents a project from missing completion deadlines by keeping the project on the early-start and early-finish schedule. Being alert of the start and completion dates during a project increases the chances for the project being successful. A project status reporting is a function that is performed throughout the project (Barkley, 2006). S cheduling System A scheduling system is a form of a tool used to build an integrated project management system. A good scheduling system should aid in achieving the best end results in a bed and breakfast project. The project manager should ensure that the scheduling system

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Self Assessment Exercise Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self Assessment Exercise - Personal Statement Example This accounted to the integrity that I developed as an individual and as a professional. One common factor that I saw in all the mentors whom I was exposed to right from the childhood was their intense respect towards their counterparts. Interestingly, I found them many them being able to respect professionals who even opposed their ideology. This is one core value I always wanted me in me since then and I continuously ensure to live up to this value. In my professional life in running a law firm I consider these core values very important. I believe that a law firm without professional integrity would be a threat to the society and the profession as such. Being a profession with stakeholders ranging from client base to opponents, to respectfully deal with all stakeholders will help me leave a mark in the profession. Eventually, integrity and respect for stakeholders, be it clients or opponents which are my core values will become a brand identity of my law firm. I have had good professional experience as a real estate paralegal. This has exposed me extensively to various legal frameworks and professional systems which exist within the industry. The scope of professional training and qualification as a lawyer has been realized all through my experience being a paralegal. I have understood the gaps in the industry and it is these gaps which I would like to fill in being an entrepreneur. With the technical knowledge acquired from the classes, I have improved this aspiration of starting up a law firm. Liptak (2008) relates entrepreneurship with the person’s freedom and attitude aligned with work. With reference to this approach, I see my entrepreneurial prospects as quite bright. My previous work experience always urged me to be independent and self driven. The learning which I acquired from the work has been seen by me as foundation for my own law firm. Along with this my core values give me right attitude to take

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Phase 2 Weekly Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phase 2 Weekly Discussion - Assignment Example The fundamental benefit of organizational project management is to facilitate understanding of the organizational processes that influence the capability to mange the delivery of projects. This paper intends to answer questions such as how project management is viewed within organizations, what the value can be brought by project management into the organization and what barriers that might exist amid the field of project management. This paper examines these questions in relation to tier application to the HLR Inc (Harry & Schroeder, 2000). How is project management viewed within organizations? Not all the firms view project the same. Some believe tat it is a way of achieving goals while other firms perceive project management as a hazard. Project management being a specialized field, which needs expert demonstrated knowledge in particular sections of business of appraising and pointing out specific project risks with an intent of reducing portentous threats and capitalizing in ever y prospect that would benefit the project (Deeprose, 2002). Essentially, project management is under valued skill by majority of the project managers. This is because it is dependent on diverse opinions based on the area of work. This contributes to the first perspective, which regards project management as an underrated aspect within some industries, but certainly in industries such as, HLR Inc, it remains a central element in the overall managerial process and strategy implementation intended to achieve the organizational goals (Deeprose, 2002). It is noted that diverse opinions and perspectives define the organizational project management but the convergent position leads to its recognition as a fundamental aspect in organizations. Numerous organizations remain static but those that have embraced the dynamism have implemented rapid restructuring demanded by the milieu conditions. The dynamic conditions can be technology advancements, increased completion and scramble for control of the limited natural resources. It is imperative to note that the organizational structures form critical consideration before initializing any project because; this aspect will affect the whole process (Harry & Schroeder, 2000). The general perspectives include that of organizations being either project driven or driven by non-project. Examples of project driven organizations are the industries and aerospace where the entire task is characterized by the projects in consideration. This study observes that, three organizational structures exist. They include traditional, matrix and project driven. The functional hierarchy such as HLR Inc. may not be sufficient for the project management because, there is no consideration of the dynamism in the global arena (Deeprose, 2002). It is realizable that, the functional structures embraced in the HLR Inc, may not be sufficient. The functional structure characterized by insufficiencies to comply with the dynamic structure embraced by the glo bal players in the market. It is imperative to note that a project management needs to be sold within the organization’s borders. In addition, consideration of the matrix perspective, it is notable that, the matrix perspective has a dual effect in decision-making (Harry & Schroede

Friday, August 23, 2019

Informatics in Dental Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Informatics in Dental Education - Essay Example Yet actual applications and studies in this area are a relatively recent phenomenon. In the world of speed, accuracy and compaction, none would make a dentist's best secretary than the computing systems that virtually rule all areas of life. The benefits that computer and information technology can provide to the field of dentistry may as well set it apart from all the dentistry that has been carried out as a separate era. IT and dentistry have just started to converge, and it is only a matter of time before the full extent of the union will be known. What is heartening to know is the awareness dentists have about the role of computers in their dental setup, and other work places such as educational institutes, and conferences etc.With more and more advancement in the teaching methods around the world, it is not surprising that computers and IT are being utilized as teaching aids to dentistry. These softwares have been given many names, including Computer Aided Instruction or CAI, Computer Assisted Learning or CAL, instructional soft ware, and Computer Based Training or CBT. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) The functions of these soft wares are of two types. While the course management tools are aimed to help teachers maintain their schedules and different aspects of teaching and curriculum methodology, the other use is ways to increase a student's access to the educational material apart from the traditional paper book concept. The use of such materials in dentistry teaching has given many positive feedback comments, as the teach er or instructor is able to choose from a variety of ways to teach a subject. With the help of pictures and presentations and clips, the teacher is able to convey the concepts in a show tell way. The hard wares and the soft wares are mostly integrated in the teaching program. All that remains is for the teachers to be well versed in the using of such tools. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) There are very few researchers who are involved in studying ht effects of digital dentistry, IT and CBT in the overall scene of dental education. Of these the works of Johnson and Schleyer are perhaps the most contributory. These two gentlemen have helped in clearing many of the issues of digital dentistry, while inviting us to understand the different complexities that may be caused by such devices. Awareness of IT and distance education has led to many conclusions. For example, the World Health Organization maintains that students and their cultural differences and requirements should be the prime focus of providing dental education. This can only be achieved by sharing different aspects of curriculum designing and outlining. By providing and sharing this information, it will be easier for students to access different educational pursuits across the world with ease. The use of intra and extra net is another contributory factor that can be implemented within the learning methods and systems. (Yip, 1999) I.T and integration of computer technology will help in building careers and technology skills, increase the information assimilation skills, will expand learning opportunities for those who may not access such directly, help in increasing the level

The Declaration of Independence and Its Irony for Equality Term Paper

The Declaration of Independence and Its Irony for Equality - Term Paper Example Its primary goal is to discuss how the Declaration departs from its true essence based on the undermined state of the minorities within the society throughout history. For research materials, this paper will deal with the American Political Thought by Kenneth M. Dolbeare and Michael S. Cummings as its primary source of information for the Declaration of Independence. It will also use several internet and magazine articles as other sources of information. Keywords: Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, equality and the rights of men, racial discrimination, women, gays, lesbians The Declaration of Independence and its Irony for Equality The Declaration of Independence portrays literal power in the usage of rhetoric devices that clearly stands out throughout the document. Thomas Jefferson, as its writer, had such proficiency beyond doubt that he was a very learned and skilled person. The rhetoric devices used to point at the possibility of a good education and literal skill s well developed throughout the writer’s experiences. As the studies of the Declaration of Independence find attest, the document is perhaps one of the most creatively designed state documents. Distinctively enumerated into exceptional divisions, Jefferson demonstrated some rare writing skills that make it one of the best literal state papers. The Declaration of Independence can be divided into an introduction, a clearly developed preamble, a section describing the indictment of the Crown, denunciation of the American oppressors - the British - and a good conclusion (Dolbeare & Cummings, 2009, pp. 49-52). Any paper passing the test of good writing must at least show such organization. With skill in rhetoric and a steadfast soul for nationalism, Jefferson had created some of the most messianic, heroic and memorable lines contained within the Declaration of Independence. Even down to his choice of words, Jefferson managed to immortalize this document throughout the annals of th e United States. Usage of terms such as â€Å"necessary† creates an impression of the strong need for the Americans to take the proposed action, which is well connected to their human nature. The line, â€Å"One people† can be translated to send a strong message that the Americans and the British were different people brought together politically and breaking the â€Å"political bands† which was a necessity for the survival of the Americans. This choice of words was intended to capture the attention of America’s friends. However, there is one line in the Declaration that gathers much controversy and debate. The usage of the line, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness† poses an intention that could have well been deeply thought to bring a diverse interpretation by the Americans, the British and possible allies who could assist the Americans in their quest for independence. This line consists of a group of principles pertaining to human rights that are naturally and rhetorically read and interpreted together.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dove, the Brand to Beat Essay Example for Free

Dove, the Brand to Beat Essay Dove is a brand under the many products of Unilever. It was in the 1890s when William Hesketh Lever, founder of Lever Bros popularized cleanliness and hygiene with his introduction of the Sunlight Soap in Victorian England. The Sunlight Soap led the advocacy â€Å"to make cleanliness commonplace; to lessen work for women; to foster health and contribute to personal attractiveness, that life ay be more enjoyable and rewarding for the people who use our products†. (www.dove.com) For three centuries, Unilever has proven its success over economic booms, depressions, world wars and the changing lifestyle of its consumers as the world advanced through technology. Dove is the leading skin care product since 1957. It is clinically proven and has been noted to be good for dry sensitive skin which half the women in the world has. And since the 1980s, Dove has launched more supporting products to the soap bar such as moisturizing body wash, deodorants, body lotions, facial cleansers, shampoos and conditioners. All of these products are aimed to solve skin needs comprehensively bringing out the true inner beauty of women. Dove is boasts of its number one in the race of cleansing brands with double-digit growth data. Sales in over 80 countries are over â‚ ¬2.5 billion a year. They estimate that over 1 billion showers are done using Dove products each year in the US alone. The success is due to the brands keeping of its clinically proven promises and understanding of its real market. Studies show that only 12 % of women are very satisfied with their physical attractiveness. 2% of women articulate themselves as beautiful. 68% knows that media almost always sets unrealistic standards of beauty and the 75% hopes that media would better itself in portraying diversity in women’s physical attractiveness that includes size, shape and age. â€Å"Dove is actively trying to address the root of the problem of negative self-image. Dove has founded the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, which funds programs to raise self-esteem in girls and young women. In the US, it’s working through the Unilever Foundation to sponsor a partnership with Girl Scouts, called uniquely ME! It also supports the BodyTalk education program for schools in the UK and Canada.† (www.dove.com) The Dove Self-Esteem Fund has come along way since consumers saw that water alone was not enough to clean oneself. American consumers of the new millennium are more demanding than ever and value minded. Dove consumers pay a higher price for Dove due to its after sales value. The target market of Dove are the people who can afford to put a premium for added market values compared to cheaper alternatives such as Ivory. â€Å"According to Soap, Cosmetics, Chemical Specialties, aging baby-boomers were looking for milder, less irritating products. Soaps using vegetable-based fats, with no animal fats or animal testing, were also in demand. Other popular items included loofahs, oatmeal products, and chamomile leaves. In general, customers demanded performance and value in all their soap, shampoo, and detergent products, which were the driving factors behind the soap and detergents industry at the turn of the century.† (Thompsons, 2006) All these added value makes Dove cost more than the average bath product. Value leaders attempt to offer the best product at the cheapest price. These products cannot compare on quality and in the short term, competes for the value of each dollar. Ivory products advertise themselves on the price pitch that does not happen to Dove products. Each Dove product commercial does not mention price. this kind of advertising strategy may increase Ivory income by selling more quantity but soaps such as Dove and Dial remain successful as well by selling more expensive and keeping loyal customers at lesser volumes. â€Å"The bar soap market, which had grown at an average rate of about 4.1 percent annually in the early 1980s, entered the 1990s with a growth rate of about 4.9 percent. Beauty bars comprised the fastest growing segment of the bar soap market, with sales increasing at a rate of about 7 percent per year. Later in the decade, however, bar soap began to lose some ground to shower gels. In 1998, bar soap sales grew only 1.5 percent in value and slipped 4.5 percent in unit terms, while shower gel sales increased dramatically. However, even with their 18.1 sales gain in 1998, the shower gel market, with total sales of $450 million, remained slightly less than a third the size of the bar soap market, which totaled $1.4 billion in value in 1998.† (Thompsons, 2006) Dove has been successful in its campaign to increase and sustain loyal consumers due to its steadfast supporting of its timeless belief in their original product. Compared to the rest of the competition, Dove remained the soap that held on to its ‘added moisture’ selling point. From that, Dove has evolved and widened its strategies in cornering a wider and global market. For one, it’s campaign-promoting self-esteem in women cuts above the rest. The ‘campaign for real beauty’ ad that models larger than average smiling women in white underwear has sent advertisers of other soaps amok. The message of this ad is a statement against the usual advertisers that project the beautiful woman with impossibly physical proportions. This strategy of using controversy for advertising worked so much for Dove. â€Å"The women in these photos appear to love who they are and the way their bodies look. Sue Ontiveros of the Chicago Sun-Times says, Its the joy on their faces that I really like. Theres just so much happiness in their smiles that I feel as if these women are saying this is the real me and I like her. Boy, is that rare and just the message Id like females to get and embrace. Just because your booty cant fit into a size four doesnt mean youre not sexy. The joy and confidence of the Dove models allows them to look sexy without having to wear seductive facial expressions.† (www.campaignforealbeuty.com) The challenge that lies on the Dove self-esteem campaigns is to make sure that they do not get caught playing two sides. A teener realizes that the big women ad was sporting big tight thighs. Dove was getting the most of this because their thigh-tightening product was being launched. A critic also realized that letting women with underwear pose on camera was still diminishing respect for women even if they were all size large. The most significant challenge that advertisers faced was fueled by the growing global concern of consumers over environmental issues. Consumers demanded that products like Dove have to be manufactured and marketed using ‘earth-friendly’ products and processes without sacrificing quality. Dove’s dishwashing liquid leads their earth-friendly products. Using the dishwashing liquid leaves the hands moisturized, the plates squeaky clean and the rivers unpolluted Another important strategy for Dove products to stay in the lead is using technology to further their market reach. The website of Dove and its dealers are well-made and very user friendly. Buying online is very convenient. Using the internet as part of the marketing efforts, Dove can ensure the existence of its loyal customers who pays more to buy Dove soap. The prices below gathered from the websites show comparisons in prices of different common leading bath soaps. Dove fits in the middle of the price war as it is appreciated by the market as the soap that has more value compared to the usual everyday common soaps such as Dial and Coast but not too expensive like the signature and specialty soaps like Cetaphil or Neutrogena. Price Comparisons Dove   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3.08 Dial   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0.99 Ivory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.89 Cetaphil   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.09 Neutrogena   Ã‚  Ã‚   3.95 Coast   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.20 Table 1. User ratings between Dove competitors Product name Pears Soap Imperial Leather Original Soap Palmolive Original Soap Bar Dove Extra Sensitive Cream Bar Lux Milk Honey Beauty Soap Oilatum Soap Bar Camay Classic- Toilet Soap Overall user rating: Recommended by 100% (13 Reviews) Recommended by 95% (19 Reviews) Recommended by 50% (6 Reviews) Recommended by 86% (28 Reviews) Recommended by 100% (1 Review) Recommended by 100% (2 Reviews) Recommended by 33% (3 Reviews) http://www.ciao.co.uk/product_comparison.php?Pid=1%2C10%2C10534%2C15372%2C5015455%2C5231365IDs%5B%5D=70462IDs%5B%5D=70445IDs%5B%5D=70457IDs%5B%5D=70440IDs%5B%5D=70450IDs%5B%5D=5628139IDs%5B%5D=70438Compare=Compare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The table above shows user ratings from the ciao website. Recommendations between Dove competitors are tabulated. Though Dove Extra Sensitive Cream Bar had an 86% recommendation ratings, it had the most number of reviews totaling 28 as compared to Imperial leather Original Soap that seconded the list with 18 reviews, a far ten reviews short of Dove. This short sampling will show that there are more Dove users who connect to the internet as compared to the other products.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dove moves forward in its goal to build a strategic global ‘master’ brand. Backed by Unilever’s expertise in product branding, Dove with its good quality material for hygiene and beauty preservation will continue to focus on making their brand lead by promoting the value of their brand as against the price of the soap.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Dove was an instant hit, generating $55 million in sales its first six months, per Information Resources Inc. This year, sales climbed to $79 million for the 52 weeks ended April 22. Doves current market share stands at 4.7%, equal that of Procter and Gambles Old Spice. PGs Secret brands still collectively dominate the $1.6 billion category, but have been losing share to Dove. Total Secret sales were $229 million as of April 22, down 8% from $248 million for the year ended Sept. 10, 2000, per IRI.† (Ward, 2003)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I have personally using Dove for the past ten years and have been more than twice tempted to try other brands. Though I did try out one or two other brands during such time, I always went back to using Dove because of its simplicity, truthfulness and mission to add social value to a common daily commodity. In a world where brand names are easily communicated with visuals only technology knows how far will go, Dove will remain as a trustworthy partner in my personal health care. References: U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Industry and Trade Out-look 99.   Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1999. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Census Bureau. 1997 Economic Census. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1999. Van Arnum, Patricia. Consumer Product Majors Soak in a Renewed Outlook. Chemical Market Reporter, FR3-5. Ward, John. 2003. Does Market Share Really Apply to Apple? http://www.vectronicsappleworld.com/2003/opinion/0306.html www.ciao.com www.dove.com www.answers.com Doves extension into deodorant is a prime example of Unilevers long-term strategy to build a set of global master brands with new products and heavy marketing support. The launch was backed by more than $30 million in media spending, a level usually reserved for new brands. Dove marketers also wanted to develop a product specifically for women. While a number of existing brands are gender neutral (Ban, Sure) or targeted to men (Brut, Right Guard, Old Spice), not since PG introduced decades-old Secret has a manufacturer captured the collective attention of the female audience. Preferred language style: English(U.S.) †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Dove Soap (brand I want researched on)†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Think about a product you love, that you use all the time. In this first part of the assignment, your goal is to uncover as much research about the brand and it competitors as possible. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨You`ll want to know the history of the brand, the characteristics of the people who buy/use the brand, and everything else possible about it. But don`t forget to look into the competition. What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? 5 pages 4 sources History Characteristics of its market Competition status What they are doing right? What they are doing wrong?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay

Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay It may be hard to establish a positive relationship with a child at first, the early years practitioners need to really get to know the children in their care in order to respond to them adequately. They need to know their interests, what frightens them or worries them, what makes them happy and sad and what annoys them. They need to be aware at what triggers their moods and they need to work out how to get each individual child to respond to them, trust them and open up to them and this is not very easy. Getting to know a child can be very difficult because they may be shy and may not like being around strangers and they also might be experiencing separation anxiety from their parents and may also be very wary of the setting they are in early years practitioners need to be aware that toys and games are no substitute for a warm and trusting relationship with an adult, who is actually interested in the child. Sometimes in early years settings the setting appoints each child with a key person, the key person will be responsible for helping the child settle in to the setting. The key person will try and build a genuine bond with the child so that they feel happy, confident, welcomed and valued. Babies and young children need to get to know there key person in order for them to feel safe and cared for. Also the key person will need to build up a good relationship with the childs parents and work together in finding ways for the best ways for the child to settle in, the child will settle more easily if they know they have one person who they can trust and rely on. Adults are a childs best resource and role model and by giving a child your complete attention are better than any toy or gadget. Most children long to be accepted in their surroundings and feel the need to belong and that their beliefs and opinions are respected and valued. By positively interacting with a child you will get to know that child really well, you will begin to understand what they like and d islike and once you know this you can plan appropriate activities for them to develop. A positive interaction with the child should start as soon as they come in in the morning by making sure the way you greet them is an extremely positive one as this is the most upsetting time for the child when their parents leave them. As the children get involved in activities you should be able to focus on what the child is saying and try and become a part of the conversation this lets the child think they are in the lead and you are taking direction from them and not the opposite way around, but there also maybe times when the child does not want or need input from an adult and by knowing the child you should know when to step back and quietly observe instead. All this comes from experience and how well you know the child, as you grow practitioner you will instinctively know when to intervene or simply just stand back and let the child explore. With all children they are all completely differe nt and some children will open up to you very easily as some children thrive on adult attention .however some children will not be so keen to open up and it will be extremely hard to build a positive relationship. They may find it difficult for a number of reasons for example they may be shy ,they may be experiencing problems outside the setting, they maybe unwell or just tired whatever the reason if the child has been in the setting for some time you should instantly tell why the child is being quiet or withdrawn and t maybe a good idea to have a word with the childs parents but if the child is new to the setting and are finding it difficult to settle in , it maybe that they are not interacting or communicating with anyone in the setting . Its down to the early years practitioners to try and find a way to get to know them better this might be a lot easier if you talk to the parents and find out the childs interests, try and spend quality time with the child on a one to one basis so you can gradually build up their trust. a child shouldnt be forced into mixing with others till they are ready to do so they may just like to watch and adjust to their new setting .books can be extremely good by getting the child to interact, find out what their favourite story is and offer to read it to them this may encourage the child to talk about the story. It is very important that your child as a positive relationship with their practitioner as the child may spend 5-7 hours a day with them. Interacting positively with the child from an early age is the basis for a good relationship which benefits the children immensely by positively interacting with the child they get one on one time with the practitioner and produce a positive relationship between them. By having a positive relationship it helps develop the childs cognitive skills , social emotional and language skills ; children not only obtain language and social skills but they also develop sensitivity , the ability to t alk out their problems, encouragement and the ability to ask questions . teacher child interactions are most developmentally appropriate when the teacher responds quickly , directly and warmly to the children this provides a variety of opportunities to engage in 2 way conversations and identifies and elaborates on the feelings , interests and activities of the children teachers which react in a sensitive and positive way are more likely to develop positive and nurturing relationships which is a key to a childs security , increasing the likelihood that the child will explore their environment giving them more opportunity to learn . 3.2. Describe why it is necessary to listen to children and effective ways of doing this. Children need to talk excessively and constantly and whilst we hear what they are saying do we really listen to them? If you ask children about adults who they like to be with, time and time again they will tell you, someone who they can talk to. Listening is an integral part of working effectively with children of all ages. It needs to begin when children are babies; babies need to see responses to their early vocalisation. Adults working with babies may smile, pick up a baby and reply by expanding the vocalisation. Later as children become more fluent speakers, the need to learn the skills of listening. Contrary to popular belief, this is not learnt by keeping them still and quiet, listening is actually an active skill and children need to learn to respond appropriately. they can do this if adults are actively listening to them . Active listening is more than just hearing: it involves thinking about what the other person (in this case a child) is trying to convey. Active listening also means giving a child your full attention, this can be hard in busy settings, but need to be prioritised. In most settings opportunities for active listening are linked to layout and routines. Preparing the fruit for snack time and wiping tables are examples of tasks can be done with a child chatting alongside. The key is to make sure children feel relaxed and they know that you are not in a rush or likely to be distracted. By listening closely to children we can identify their needs and capabilities and interests and also helps them build on their confidence and self-esteem. we can use this knowledge to plan activities and decide how to extend these activities in order to promote the childs learning in all areas of learning and development , some children take a while before they really get round to talking . This is one reason why it is important to create situations where you are not rushed. A child may simply begin by just wanting to be with you and gradually begin to want t o talk. Some children also need visual props and cues to help them. This is particular important in younger children. As well as children whom the language of the setting is not their own language. A child who cannot tell you cannot tell you what they want is likely to grab what they need by behaving badly. To listen to what a childs saying you need to give the child your full attention and make sure you know that you have done so face them, look them in the eye, lean in towards them and respond to what they are saying, do not deny or reject what they are saying. It is also important to remember that when we talk about listening to children we do not simply mean taking into account what they are saying through there spoken word. There are many ways in which a child can communicate or even very young babies or children with a developmental delay or disability can communicate in a number of ways. These children must also be listened to and their feelings taken into account. Early year s practitioners need to learn how to identify the right moment when to intervene in a childs conversation without taking control or finishing sentences for them you can do this by trying to expand on what they are saying through asking appropriate questions or giving relevant opinions. If a child begins to feel like what they have to say is of no consequence and you are not likely to take into account their opinions they will cease to voice them, speaking and listening are fundamental to everything we do every day. A childs communication skills need to be targeted daily. Their ability to talk and express themselves need to be nurtured and the best way this can be done is for early years practitioners to listen intently to what they have to say. We may not always agree with them and it may not always be possible to let them have what they request. However it is possible for us to listen to them and respond to them in an adequate and effective manner. 3.3 summarise the importance of spontaneous play and how this can be achieved in early years settings. Given the opportunity children play spontaneously which means they provide their own motivation to play and act without intervention of an adult .the time and type of play is totally decided by the child and activities can be stopped and taken up at will. Playing to the child is just spontaneous and may not have any goal or conclusion. Spontaneous play can be extremely effective and practitioners should make use of unexpected opportunities, for example it may suddenly start raining or snowing, this is the perfect opportunity for the children to build snowmen or just go out into the rain and explore the puddles in their wellys, or even look for rainbows. Spontaneous play can happen anytime or anywhere in all environments, jumping in leaves whilst walking to the park or just by picking up a teddy bear and starting a tea party are just a few examples of spontaneous play. It is essential that all early years workers understand and value spontaneous play in order to become sensitive faci litators. While most children embark on spontaneous play willingly, adults need to make the right provisions. It is important to remember that every child is an individual with their own needs and during development these needs change. facilitating spontaneous play requires careful planning , anticipating the next stage and adapting resources to fulfil the need of the child.in providing play , space ,resources , time and friends need to be considered. Appropriate space should be set aside for play. It should be big enough for free ranging activities for a child in relation to the childs developmental changes, play space should be safe and should have opportunities for exploration and investigation by the child. Provide stimulating resources that are appropriate for the specific child, resources should be easily obtainable and representable of a multi-cultural society and they all should be checked for safety. Spontaneous play depends on the child being given the opportunity to engag e in activities without interruption. They should be given enough time to do the specific play activity. At all stages of development children need playmates it is important for them to interact with children. Enthusiasm and encouragement from adults should be available when the children need it. Just by watching young children it is easy to see that play is often stimulating and rewarding , and they get a great deal of emotional satisfaction from playing . Although the differences are not always clear cut or easily understood, it is possible to identify distinct functions that play has for a child. Mary d Sheridan a researcher in child development for over 40 years termed these functions apprenticeship, research, occupational therapy and recreation Apprenticeship. As children get older they gradually develop competence in performing everyday tasks, such as dressing and feeding them or answering the telephone, play can provide the shills of acquiring such skills. Research. Children find out about the world around them through a process of observing, exploring, speculating and making discoveries. For example the child will learn about the properties of water which some things float and sink. Playing provides ample opportunities for this kind of learning. Occupational therapy. Play can have a soothing or distracting effect. It can be a simple escape from boredom, a means of diverting attention or coming to terms with things that are unpleasant such as pain. Recreation. This is the function of play that readily springs to mind. Children entertain themselves through play; they are simply just enjoying themselves and having fun. Studies carried out by researchers including Mary d Sheridan ,show that the functions that play fulfils for each child from moment to moment and day to day are part of the wider contribution that play makes to each childs overall development . In other words play helps children in their development. Bilbliography Beith, Kate and penny tassoni and Kath Bulmer childrens care learning and development oxford, Heinemann, 2005 Bruce, Tina and Carolynn meggitt childcare and education Oxon, book point ltd.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Development of Womens Rights in Afghanistan

Development of Womens Rights in Afghanistan Progress, Stagnation and Regression A lot needs to be done before the equality of political rhetoric becomes an everyday reality for  women in Afghanistan (Amnesty International UK, 2013). Since the disempowerment of the Taliban, the status of women’s rights has seen  progress, stagnation and even regression. The Bonn Agreement of December 2001, endorsed  the establishment of a â€Å"gender-sensitive† government and laid the groundwork for the  Ministry of Women’s Affairs. In addition to MOWA, the Afghan government also created the  Office of the State Minister for Women and set up a Gender Advisory Group (Sarabi, 2003:  3). Moreover, the Bonn conference endorsed the establishment of the Afghanistan  Independent Human Rights Commission which is, amongst others, responsible for the  advancement of women’s rights. Over the years the Afghan government continued its efforts to promote women’s  rights by adopting its Constitution on January 4, 2004, that incorporates the principle of  equality in article 22 as well as a guaranteed quota for women in the bicameral National  Assembly in article 83 and article 84 (Ballington; Dahlerup, 2006: 253). On October 1st, 2004,  after years of political oppression, women voted in the first democratic elections; over the last  years, women held 27-28 percent of parliamentary seats in the Wolesi Jirga (The World Bank,  2013). These positive developments, however, are not secure. For example, the latest electoral  law has reduced the quota of guaranteed seats for women in provincial assemblies from a  quarter to a fifth (International Crisis Group, 2013: ii). Furthermore, it is often criticized by  feminists from within and outside of Afghanistan that those women who hold a political  mandate are only there to symbolize the Western su ccess, and simultaneously support with  their presence the Western imperialist as well as the Afghan patriarchal oppression, but in fact  have no say in politics (Franks, 2003: 148; Wajika, 2008: 140). An example for this claim is  the report of Malalai Joya, a former assembly women, who was pelted with water bottles by  other male assembly men and threatened by â€Å"Rape her!† calls (Ihlau; Koelbl, 2009: 253)  while delivering a speech in parliament. Another issue is the serious discrepancy between theory and practice, between words  and signatures on paper and effective actions to implement signed conventions and approved  laws. The Afghan government ratified the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of  all Forms of Discrimination against Women in 2003, and adopted the Elimination of Violence  Against Women Law in 2009, what can be described as positive developments. However,  often not all adopted laws are known by judges, prosecutors and lawyers, nor are they always  agreed to, and therefore are not applied. Furthermore, that conservative members of  parliament oppose, for example, the EVAW law, calling it â€Å"un-Islamic† (International Crisis  Group, 2013: ii), is an example of the fundamental incompatibility of article 22 and article 7  (compliance to the UN Charter, inter-state agreements, international treaties to which  Afghanistan has joined, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rig hts) with article 3 (no  law shall contravene the tenets and provisions of the holy religion of Islam) of the Afghan  Constitution. The interpretation of what counts as â€Å"un-Islamic† differs immensely in  Afghanistan. That girls and women now have the right to education and to employment is also a  very positive development. However, statistics show that the proportion of girls who go to  school and university is not only lower than that of boys, but declines with every level of  higher education; less than one in five women in Afghanistan is literate (CSO; UNICEF,  2012: 110). Also the female labor participation rate did not significantly increase over the last  ten years (World Bank, 2014). But with the historical background of women’s rights  violations under the Taliban regime as well as the decades of war in mind, no one can expect  women to suddenly break out of the traditional role allocation between men and women in  Afghanistan. Furthermore, it needs to be pointed out that not all Afghans support the  emancipation of girls and women. Girls’ schools are burned down as a symbol for the fight  between tradition and change (Brieger, 2005: 134). There is a com mon use of â€Å"night letters† – messages of insurgents groups to threat women and girls who go to school or to work, leave  their homes, speak to non-family men, or call radio stations with music requests (ACUNS,  2013: 108). Last year, UN Women condemned the increasing intimidation and targeted  killings of Afghan female government officials and public figures and called for justice (UN  Women, 2013). Moreover, it has to be mentioned, that in 2011 Afghanistan was named â€Å"the  most dangerous country for a women to live in†, because of high levels of violence, poor  healthcare and poverty (BBC, 2011). Especially domestic violence against women is a  problem that has become a regular feature of almost all households, and that shapes every  aspect of women’s and girls’ lives – their health, their livelihoods, their access to social and  cultural resources, and their educational opportunities (Global Rights Partners for J ustice,  2008: 1). Besides, many cases are not reported to the police nor prosecuted. The continuing  practice of child marriages and forced marriages is one of those forms of violence against  women and girls. Although getting reliable data is difficult, it is estimated that 60-80 per cent  of all marriages in Afghanistan are forced (UNFPA, 2012). All in all it can be said that there are improvements of the situation of women and girls  in Afghanistan. However, the level of progress differs between the regions of the country,  urban and rural areas, and between those districts where ISAF troops are present and those  where they are not. In a country where the emancipation of women has always been a  controversial issue (there have been multiple efforts to establish women’s rights in  Afghanistan from above in the past one hundred years – see AmÄ nullÄ h KhÄ n, Mohammed  Zahir Shah, Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan, or the PDPA) a change of the status of women  in society is a long-term process. After thirteen years of intervention in Afghanistan, the IC  has to recognize that fact and has to admit that a lot of mistakes were made. In their article  Schwere strategische Fehler des Westens, Mariam Notten and Ute Scheub cited the survey of  the Afghan author Lina Abirafeh about the counterproductive gender-strategy of the West. Abirafeh criticizes different circumstances that led to the partial failure of Western attempts to  establish gender equality in Afghanistan. Amongst others, she mentions the fact that many  Afghan women feel like their own wishes of a self-determined life are not heard by the IC,  but rather ignored. The stigmatization of Afghan women as victims and not as active members  of the Afghan society is considered to be problematic. The result of this treatment is that there  is resistance against the Western efforts to enhance women’s rights in Afghanistan (Notten;  Scheub, 2009: 34). The IC has to recognize that it is not only necessary to establish a legal  framework for the implementation of women’s rights, but that the volition to actually live in a  community where men and women are equal has to come from within society. Therefore it is  important, for instance, to support NGOs in their grass-roots work. Also in the future.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education, Higher Education

Teaching Philosophy Stephen Brookfield (2006) defines a teaching philosophy as â€Å"†¦a set of values, beliefs, insights, and convictions about the essential forms and fundamental purposes of teaching† (p. 255). A teaching philosophy should serve to support a teacher and guide his or her actions so that the students’ best interests are always of primary focus. It should also come from within and be an extension of the teacher’s identity. When we consider the difficult environment and circumstances that students face today, the authenticity and actionability of a teaching philosophy is paramount. Students decide to attend college for a variety of reasons, but the essence within these reasons is a desire to grow (Shultz & Higbee, 2007; Cabgrera & La Nasa, 2000). Growth in education has often been defined as accumulating knowledge. This outdated way of thinking about higher education must give way to a different paradigm that focuses on developing the whole student. As our world becomes more connected and complicated, students have an increasing need to reach higher levels of cognitive development. In turn, teachers need to become student centered in their approach. Teachers are no longer tasked with imparting knowledge, but helping students develop abilities to understand and apply knowledge. The increasing needs of our students require an even deeper personal commitment by teachers. Parker Palmer (1998) believes that teaching is a deeply personal activity. I started teaching without much personal consideration. However my dedication to teaching today has grown out of my personal interactions with students. As a result, teaching has become a significant part of my identity. I realize my role in a student’s life is one of a ment... ... fluid and revisited. Dynamic environment demands constant organizational change. Training future business leaders demands a higher level of student analytical ability. Help them construct that through project based learning, dialogical interactions, and cross disciplinary cases. I feel that I am already a good teacher. The question now is how to become a great teacher. Me – I like dialogical – modeling, especially with different topics. ME : Teaching shouldn’t be routine Vaclav Havel (1998), former president of Czechoslovakia and of the Czech Republic, spoke often of seeing the world from a global perspective. Regarding intellectuals, Havel (1998) said, â€Å"Their increased sense of responsibility for this world has not made such intellectuals identify with an ideology; it has made them identify with humanity, with its dignity and its prospects† (p. 208).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Adolescents and Divorce Essay -- Teenagers Impact Divorce Essays

Adolescence is a period of turmoil and change for youngsters. During this time in their lives, adolescents experience many types of stresses. Some of these stresses include identity crisis, relationships with family members and friends, and the physical changes that take place. Adolescence is a very trying time and it can be heightened when divorce is an additional problem to be dealt with. Divorce only adds to the turmoil and hardships of adolescence. The effects of a divorce can leave an individual feeling lonely and at fault for the break up of their parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Divorce is a family crisis, which could require a long period for recovery. Along with the turmoil associated with the adolescent stage of life, divorce adds other stresses. Adolescents are already confronted with numerous changes, including physical changes in the body and social adoptions, that the changes that occur as a result of a divorce could be overwhelming. They are also in the transition stage of separating themselves from their parents and developing into an adult. The adolescent is at the stage of development in which he must separate himself from his parents on order to establish as an adult?(Buchanan, p.70).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being socially accepted is one of the more important aspects of this developmental stage. The development of relationships with friends allows for them to form an identity. The adolescent only accepts his or her identity if, and only if, the society feels that it is correct. Otherwise, they may feel inadequate and isolated from everyone else because the do not fit in with everyone else?s standards(Buchanan,14)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This developmental stage in one's life in conjunction with the effects of a divorce, make the changes much more difficult to overcome and accept. "How an adolescent copes with the problems of a divorce depends upon their emotional health and maturity level,"(Buchanan, p.71). Each individual may react in his or her own way. Some of these reactions can consist of hostility towards family, especially their parents, aggressiveness, and/or depression. They may make sudden choices that they might feel could be the answer to their problem. For instance, constant running away might occur which results in secluding oneself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The behavior of females at this crucial time seems to be more of a disturbance, while the males showed to be more severe. The m... ...ary Ellin Logue. "The Effects Of Parental Divorce On Students." Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage 46.3/4 (2007): 83-104. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. Dufour, Sarah, and Brian L. Mishara. "Children's Reactions to Divorce and Separation."Partnership For Children. Partnership For Children, n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. Internet Sources Consulted Antecol, Heather. Bedard, Kelly. â€Å"Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability Of Teenage Promiscuity, Substance Use, and Crime?† Journal of Population Economics 20.1 (2007): 55-71. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. Crouse, Shaw Janice. SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES. â€Å"No-Fault Divorce Hits Children Hardest.† Washington Times, The (DC) (2013): 3. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. Fagan, Patrick F.Rector, Robert. â€Å"The Effects Of Divorce On America.† World & I 15.10 (2000): 56. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. Kelsey, Linda. â€Å"Why divorce damages teenagers every bit as much as young children.† Daily Mail 29 Apr. 2010: 68. MainFile. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. Moses, Eskind Marlene. â€Å"Helping Children Endure Divorce.† Tennessee Bar Journal 49.1 (2013): 34. MainFile. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Philosophy of Nursing Essay

One cannot achieve overall health unless they are physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially well. All of these aspects must be at optimal best allowing one to function well in life. Physical health is obtained by following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and limiting exposure to toxins (drugs, alcohol, pollution). It is also important to have oral and physical examinations at regular intervals and to practice preventative measures to combat possible illnesses. Mental and emotional health can be referenced interchangeably. They are different in theory but encompass some of the same factors. Managing daily stressors such as work, relationships, and finances can prevent the occurrence of stress induced mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. A socially healthy individual is able to coexist among different types of people without experiencing harmful conflict. It involves the ability to compromise and contribute to meaningful relationships. Social well being is also exemplified through good communications skills, maintaining meaningful relationships, respecting oneself and others, and creating a support system that includes family members and friends. Illness has a physical or mental effect. If a person is diagnosed with a physiological ailment or disease, that person is physically ill. If a person suffers from a mental disorder or disease such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, that person is mentally ill. When a person is ill it can simply be described as the opposite of the above mentioned states of well being, however, illness can occur (even if an individual takes all the necessary preventative measures) simply as a result of genetic predisposition. Person There is a broad range of nursing patients. The commonality of most nursing care recipients is they are ill or have been altered from their mental or physical normalcy. The most common nursing client is a patient in a doctor’s office. Individuals with previous hospitalizations and those who have never been hospitalized most likely have had visits to their doctors office which involves contact with a nurse. Characteristics or traits that most patients have in common are fear, anger, powerlessness, humility, and appreciation. Often patients are uneducated of the nursing process, thus not able to identify the purpose of the nurse and how influential nurses are to the healing process. If and when the patient has the capacity and willingness to learn, care plans are the most effective method to inform the patient of what is going to happen and the contributions expected of them during their hospitalization. Environment There is a wide variety of environments where nursing is practiced. Hospitals are most populated by patients receiving skilled nursing care. The environment is usually conducive to providing care while focusing primarily on patient satisfaction. While some hospitals strive to implement magnet programs, few have achieved magnet status. Magnet status is the staple of excellent nursing care. An increasing number of patients are familiarizing themselves with the term â€Å"Magnet† and broadening their expectations. Hospitals are usually fast paced as nurses collaborate with other nurses, physicians and case managers to implement an individualized care plan upon admission. Home care is of growing interest for many nurses mainly in response to the autonomy this field offers. Nurses are able to generally schedule their visits around demands of their private lives. Patients’ homes differ greatly.  Cleanliness or lack there of, many family members present or the patient lives alone with no support system, safe neighborhoods or high crime areas are some factors that contribute to the environment, influencing nursing care in the home. Some home health agencies provide the nurse an abundance of supplies to deliver patient care, however some agencies do not have the same budget capabilities. In this case the patients’ care can be compromised or postponed until the nurse is provided necessary items. A negative connotation is primarily given to skilled nursing facilities (or SNF’s) by patients and their families. This is mainly due to expectations of receiving an abundance or RN level care. Patients are not aware that SNF’s are usually staffed with mostly LVN’s and CNA’s with one or two RN’s to manage the facility through communication with physicians, delegating tasks to nursing staff, and utilizing critical thinking skills in emergent situations. Nursing During nursing school interviews, nurses are posed the most commonly asked question, â€Å"Why do you want to become a nurse? † The usual response, â€Å"Because i like helping people†, is often given without hesitance. This is the easy, less thought provoking answer to this question and usually from an inexperienced nurse. Helping people is what nurses do, however it is a result of carrying out the many tasks required throughout a day of nurse duties. Nursing is not just about helping people, it is not just about being a caring and nice person. Nurses are highly intelligent individuals who encompass and apply an abundance of knowledge throughout their day of work while perfecting the art of prioritizing. Engaging in â€Å"dirty work† while understanding multi system failure is among the many gifts of nurses. The stereotype of nurses is a woman who almost fearfully respects and answers to doctors; carrying out doctors orders with the mannerisms of servants. Actually, nursing is the contrary of that belief. Nurses are trained to question physicians when in doubt of the accuracy of their orders. Nurses are trained to be concerned with the patient as a whole and to address all of their needs, promoting wellness throughout all realms of life and not just the physical illness. An excellent nurse understands that a patient needs to be well physically, mentally, and socially in order to be considered healthy. The nurse will attempt to address and settle theses issues before nursing care ceases. Communication plays a big role in nursing and is one major difference between nursing and medicine. Nurses generally spend more time with patients than doctors, either during a shift or frequent visits, thus increasing communication and familiarity with patients. While there are many different theories of nursing, all nurses must have one thing in common. Nurses must greatly enjoy helping others to deliver excellent nursing care.